Jordan advises citizens against traveling to Lebanon


Published: 2024-06-28 16:01

Last Updated: 2024-07-02 20:31

Jordan advises citizens against traveling to Lebanon
Jordan advises citizens against traveling to Lebanon

In light of the ongoing developments in the region and in the interest of ensuring the safety of Jordanian citizens abroad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates urges Jordanian citizens to avoid traveling to the Republic of Lebanon at this time.

This reiterates the advisory issued on October 31, 2023, regarding travel to Lebanon, based on the emergency preparations and plans announced by Lebanese authorities at that time.

The ministry's spokesperson, Ambassador Dr. Sufian Qudah, emphasized that this recommendation stems from the ministry's deep concern for the safety of Jordanian citizens.

Ambassador Qudah also renewed his call for Jordanian citizens residing in or currently in Lebanon to immediately register on the Jordanian embassy's website in Beirut via the following link:

Additionally, citizens can request assistance around the clock by contacting the following numbers:

- Jordanian Embassy hotline in Beirut: +96181699837
- Ministry's Operations Center:
- +962799562903
- +962799562471
- +962799562193

Or via email to the Operations Center: [email protected]